This is freedom.
This is what pretrial freedom looks like in Texas. We should expand it. Not limit it.
Since 2019, people in Houston arrested and charged with the lowest level crimes can no longer be jailed pretrial on unaffordable bail.
It’s been a resounding success. More freedom has allowed tens of thousands to be with their families. Freedom has saved taxpayers hundreds of millions. And freedom has reduced the likelihood of rearrests.
Freedom has made Houston a leader in —


fiscal responsibility.

& pretrial justice.

( HOME )

“Houston shows that it’s possible to change the pretrial system and release more people in a way that benefits the general public, helps defendants, and doesn’t lead to more crime.”
— Quattrone Center

Meet Gavin and Terranisha, two people in Harris County who’ve benefited from pretrial freedom.
Gavin | Quinlan, TX | 20
ranch hand, partner, & person of faitH
“Lazy is not me. I’m a hard worker. I try to do what I can do to keep my head up and always stay positive and maintain focused on goals.”
Terranisha | Houston, TX | 31
single mother, caretaker, & artist
“My kids are my number one motivation for me. For everything I do. My favorite thing to do is to see them laugh and be happy.”

A tale of two outcomes
Things could have been very different for Gavin and Terranisha.
One with pretrial freedom and one without.
Outcome | one
If either of them would have been arrested in 2019, they would have been detained before trial in dangerous conditions due to unaffordable bail.
If they were incarcerated, they would have encountered life-threatening violence in jail, experienced separation from their families, and likely been pressured into pleading guilty.
Instead —
They stayed with their families, kept their jobs, worked with their public defenders, and both their cases were dismissed.
Gavin and Terranisha's stories aren’t the exception. They’re the norm.

Freedom in Texas is a public safety strategy.
6% decrease in new prosecutions over 3 years.
Releasing people pretrial reduces crime.

Freedom in Texas keeps families together and people productive.
15% drop in convictions.
Fewer innocent people are serving time for crimes they didn’t commit.

Freedom in Texas is a fiscal responsibility strategy.
$100’s of millions saved.
Less people unnecessarily locked up saves taxpayers money.
This is freedom. We should celebrate it. We should expand it. Not limit it.

houston public media | 04.30.2023
Harris County bail reform continues to stabilize
“Misdemeanor bail reforms enacted in Harris County more than three years ago have stabilized recidivism rates while the number of people charged with low-level crimes continues to decrease, according to a new report…”

Statesman | 04.07.2024
No, bail reform didn't lead to a let-them-all-out
“The report was published by a court-appointed group of researchers tasked with reviewing the impact of the O’Donnell consent decree, which went into effect in Harris County Nov. 2019.”

Texas Bail Reform Reduced Jail Time & Crime, New Study Says
Bloomberg | 08.30.2022
“A federally mandated change in the misdemeanor bail policy of Harris County, Texas, has resulted in fewer low-level offenders in jail and improved public safety, according to a new study…”
Monitoring Pretrial Reform in Harris County
Independent Monitor | 08.30.2022
“The bail reforms under the ODonnell Consent Decree have saved Harris County and residents many millions of dollars, improved the lives of tens of thousands of persons arrested for misdemeanors…”
What does successful bail reform look like?
prison policy | 04.28.2022
“New data is out that supports bail reform efforts to end reliance on cash bail, minimize the number of people charged with misdemeanors and detained pretrial, and improve misdemeanor bail hearings…”
The Effects of Misdemeanor Bail Reform
Quattrone Center | 08.16.2022
“This research summary reports results from an analysis of the effects of misdemeanor bail reform, focusing on a natural experiment in Harris County, Texas that abruptly increased pretrial release rates…”
Add your story to the growing tapestry of freedom stories.
We're gathering real stories from people who have benefited from pretrial freedom in the growing number of places expanding pretrial freedom.
Meet Other Storytellers from Houston, Texas
Freedom allowed me to seize opportunities, something incarceration takes from you.
I am a Responsible, loving father, & social butterfly
Because I was free, I was able to go to my wife’s last OBGYN appt and witness the birth of my baby girl.
Freedom allowed him the time to spend with his beloved family. He and his family are from Nigeria and they have strong family value beliefs , lost his job because of the 24 hour lock-up
I am FAMILY-ORIENTATED & LOVE working outside
Freedom allowed hot showers, everyday Amenities.
Freedom means a lot to me because with it, I am able to raise my son and finish my accounting program.
I am Nice, Protective, a Hard worker
Because of freedom I am able to be outside and get fresh air. In jail there aren't even windows. Freedom is also feeling safe.
I was able to see my kids and my family. I was able to open my own door. I was able to eat what I wanted to when I wanted to. I was able to be in control of myself. The sky represents freedom. Skydiving is something I’ve done and it was amazing!
I aM a Husband
Freedom allowed the view outside
Freedom means taking care of my baby.